In this episode: Will DSP Try Onlive? Was DSP wrong about Little Big Planet? Is Sex with Zombies bad? What does DSP want for Christmas? This, and more! Donate thru Paypal to Follow me on Twitter! Find DSP merch at All new game playthroughs at Remember to watch, rate, and participate!
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Come, friend, Everytime, brings, text
by funkandjazz
Question by Never*say*Never:
How come my friend brings up sex everytime we text?
I don't understand we will have a conversation and he would just randomly say something that has to do with sex... I don't think he likes me but it's weird for friends to talk about sex you know? What r your opinions on this? Thx!
Best answer:
Answer by clove I don't know about you but sex is the number 1 conversation with me and my friends, they are females though so its not weird at all,,but hes a guy so he prolly does like you.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Question by santhia_lover99: Why do people make a sex video tape, what is that for, to see how they do it in the bed or to show it to?
their fella or what? , when u and your lover have sex, is between both of u, not your friend, why do people do that? and do people use sex video tape for good puropse?
Best answer:
Answer by Melvin McDougal It makes boring, monotonous sex more adventurous.
I heard you can but only if there was left over sperm inside from a previous ejaculation, which there wasn't, because he hadn't done anything in a few days, im just really nervous & scared. Also, dont say to wait till my next period, im VERY irregular so it wont help.
Best answer:
Answer by T Mom IF he percumed and then poled out there is a possiblity.
Cattrall takes aim at reporter over 'silly question'
Kim Cattrall attacked a New York Post reporter on the red carpet of her new movie Meet Monica Velour on Tuesday (29Mar11) when the event hack asked her about bikini waxing.
Gov. Haley Barbourâs signature makes it official. Public School Districts across the state of Mississippi will now be required to add sex education to their curriculum.
USC Sex Scandal - Thorny Devil Spikes Asks, 'Is it About Sex, Safety, or Security?'
Since being posted online Saturday night, photos of two students having sex on top of a USC building have gone viral. But in the midst of the campus controversy, USC officials are questioning the safety and security issues associated with the incident. Are Thorny Devil Spikes the answer? (PRWeb March 30, 2011) Read the full story at ...